Investment Advisor License

What you need to know

Generally, each jurisdiction's Securities Act governs the application for an Investment Advisor License. These acts regulate the conduct of securities business activities and are in charge of creating an appropriate regulatory environment for all the world's emerging offshore financial centers.

An Investment Advisor is: "A person who carries on business advising on securities, or holds himself out as conducting business described below:

Provides securities investment advice to others

Issues, analyze, reports on specific securities, or manages a portfolio of securities for another person without holding the other person's property and under terms that prevent him from doing so.

Distinctive Benefits of License

Ease and speed of establishment

Flexible structuring of the entity

Favorable compliance restrictions

Friendly regulatory environment

What activities are permitted under such a license

Financial Statements and Performance Analysis

Feasibility Studies

Market Research, Analysis, Price Trends, and Forecasts

Investment Portfolio Modeling

Securities, Commodities, and Related Contract Consulting

Financial Advisory Services

Financial Planning


Almost all jurisdictions that provide financial services licenses offer the financial consultancy or financial advisor license; they primarily differ by their capital requirements and the permitted activities under each license.


In capital stock, the Company must keep a minimum share capital as required by the regulator. Qualified technical and administrative support and qualified technical and administrative personnel are required for the company to conduct financial consultation and analysis.
The most important part of the process is that the business plan is written professionally.

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