Pricing and Cancellation policy

Cancellation Policy

This "No Cancellation Policy" ("Policy") applies to all clients who enter into a service-level agreement with Alliance Advisers.

  • Service Agreement: The 24-hour cancellation policy applies to fixed-priced services such as company formation services listed on the Alliance Advisers website. For clients who enter into a service level agreement, the client acknowledges and agrees to the terms of this Policy.

  • No Cancellation: All services provided by a service level agreement are non-cancelable. This means that once a service agreement is executed and payment is received, the client is obligated to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, and no cancellations will be accepted.

  • No Refunds: In line with our no-cancellation Policy, Alliance Advisers do not offer refunds for services rendered. Clients are responsible for paying the agreed-upon fees, regardless of whether they utilize the services entirely.

  • Amendments or Rescheduling: Alliance Advisers understand that circumstances may change. While cancellations are not permitted, clients may request amendments to the scope or schedule of services, subject to the mutual Agreement of both parties. Any such changes will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

  • Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute related to the services or this Policy, the parties are committed to prioritizing resolving the matter in a fair and equitable manner through negotiation and communication.

  • Clear Communication: The clients are dedicated to communicating clearly and transparently with Alliance Advisers regarding all aspects of their engagements. Any questions or concerns about this Policy or the services provided should be promptly addressed.

  • Exceptional Circumstances: In rare and exceptional circumstances, such as force majeure events or regulatory changes beyond the client's or Alliance Advisers' control, the parties may agree to consider alternative arrangements, which will be outlined in a separate agreement.

By engaging with Alliance Advisers and entering into a service level agreement, clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by this "No Cancellation Policy." This Policy is in place to ensure clarity, consistency, and fairness in our business dealings. Please direct any inquiries or concerns regarding this Policy to [email protected]

Pricing Policy

Pricing Policy for Alliance Advisers

At Alliance Advisers, we are committed to delivering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. Our pricing approach reflects the individual nature of our services and encompasses a range of factors to ensure transparency and fairness. Below, we outline our pricing policy, incorporating market standards and best practices for pricing in the corporate services and consulting industry.

  • Customized Pricing:

    • Every client engagement is unique, and our pricing is customized to match the specific requirements of each project. We recognize that one size does not fit all, and our pricing reflects the complexity, scope, and goals of the project.

  • Fixed Pricing:

    • Certain services listed on our website have fixed pricing. These services are typically standardized and come with a predefined scope. We provide clear details about the pricing for these services to ensure transparency.

  • Variable Pricing:

    • For services that vary based on the client's specific requirements, pricing is determined through a collaborative discussion. We consider several factors, including:

      • Time Spent on the Project: The duration of the project, including research, analysis, planning, and execution, plays a role in pricing.

      • Expertise Required: Projects demanding specialized expertise or unique skill sets may be priced differently to reflect the level of proficiency required.

      • Special Requirements: Projects with specific or exceptional requirements may have pricing adjustments to account for the added complexity.

      • Third-Party Services: If the project necessitates the engagement of third-party services or tools, any associated costs will be transparently communicated and included in the overall pricing.

      • VAT and Withholding Tax: Applicable Value Added Tax (VAT) and withholding tax requirements will be considered as factors in variable pricing to ensure compliance with taxation regulations.

  • Transparent Communication:

    • We believe in open and honest communication about pricing. Clients will receive a clear breakdown of the pricing factors, ensuring they understand the rationale behind the cost structure.

  • Cost Estimates:

    • • For projects with variable pricing, we provide clients with detailed cost estimates. These estimates are subject to regular review and adjustment to reflect project progress and any changes in requirements.

  • Value-Based Pricing:

    • Our pricing is value-based, meaning it is designed to reflect the value and benefits our clients receive from our services. We aim to provide a return on investment that justifies the cost.

  • Competitive and Fair Pricing:

    • Our pricing is benchmarked against market standards and best practices within the consulting industry. We strive to offer competitive rates while ensuring the quality and integrity of our services.

  • Scope of Work Agreements:

    • Prior to project commencement, we work closely with clients to define the scope of work, project objectives, and pricing terms. This ensures alignment and clarity on both sides.

  • Flexibility and Adjustments:

    • We understand that project dynamics may change. We are flexible in accommodating reasonable adjustments to the scope and pricing, provided such changes are communicated and agreed upon by both parties.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality:

    • All pricing information and agreements are treated with the utmost confidentiality and are not shared with third parties.

At Alliance Advisers, our Pricing Policy is designed to reflect the unique and diverse needs of our clients while maintaining transparency, fairness, and competitive standards within the industry. We are dedicated to delivering value-driven services that support our clients' success.