Company Organizational Structure

Company Organizational Structure?

An organizational structure is a strategy that defines how specific activities are directed to achieve an organization's goals. Rules, roles, and responsibilities are examples of such activities.
The organizational structure also governs how information flows within the company. Alliance Advisers can draft your organizational structure no matter how small or how large is your operation, Alliance can provide the following structures.

Classes of Organizational Structures

Active Structure

The first and most common type of structure is the active structure. It is also known as a bureaucratic organizational structure, which divides a company according to the specialization of its workforce. The majority of small-to-medium-sized businesses use an active structure. A bureaucratic organizational structure divides the company into marketing, sales, and operations departments.

Divisions Structure

Familiar with large corporations with numerous business units. This strategy structures its leadership team based on the product and projects it operates. In addition to specialization, divisions can be geographically defined. A global corporation, for example, may have a North American Division and a European Division.

Team-Based Structure

Team-based organizations, like divisional or active structures, divide employees into close-knit teams that serve specific goals and functions, but each team is a unit that includes both leaders and workers.

Balanced Structure

A new concept that is popular among startups. It flattens the hierarchy and chain of command, as the name implies, and gives its employees independence.

Benefits of Organizational Structures

Putting in place an organizational structure can be highly beneficial to a business. The structure not only defines a company's hierarchy but also allows the company to define its employee pay structure. The company can determine salary grades and ranges for each position by establishing an organizational structure. The structure also improves operational efficiency and effectiveness. The company can perform multiple operations simultaneously by dividing employees and functions into different departments

Furthermore, a clear organizational structure informs employees on how to complete their tasks best.

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