Conducting business as an international entity

Foreign Ownership

Dispute resolution for settlement of commercial disputes

Open bank accounts locally and internationally

Conducting business without corporate/personal taxes

Protecting investments in other foreign countries

Simpler transfer of assets and properties held in several countries

Transfer of domiciliation or Continuation

Offshore Entities

Company Limited by Shares

An entity with ownership defined by share distribution. Liability is limited to the invested share capital.

Company Limited by Guarantee

Firms where members' liability is limited to an agreed-upon amount in case of winding up.

Restricted Purposes Company

A specialized entity formed for a specific, narrow set of business objectives and activities.

Segregated Portfolio Company

A company with divisions allowing asset separation and protection within multiple segregated portfolios.

Intellectual Property Holding Company

An entity that holds rights to intangible assets, ensuring centralized management and control.

Transfer of Domicile

The process of legally moving a company's registration from one jurisdiction to another.

Unlimited Company

A business structure with no limit on members' liabilities for debts and obligations.


A legal entity for wealth management and succession planning, with a distinct legal personality.

Premium Product

A high-value offering typically features enhanced benefits, services, or characteristics above standard.

Special Purpose Vehicles

Entities created for isolated financial operations, often to secure assets and liabilities.

Holding Company

A parent corporation owning sufficient stock to control management and operations in other companies.

Family Offices

Private wealth management advisory firms serving ultra-high-net-worth investors and their kin.

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