Alliance business blog

Published September 19th 2023

Enduring with your business decisions!

By Shadi Swais

Enduring with your business decisions 

Making savvy decisions and effectively adapting to evolving markets are not just necessary but crucial for enduring in the corporate landscape.

  • How can we make the right decisions?
  • Is there a guideline or a secret recipe?
  • Do we always need to learn from our mistakes? And many of us don't.
  • Is there a way around the previous challenging and painful question?

Here are some thoughts on this subject; these reflections have been discussed and implemented in the business field countless times, but there is no harm in kind reminders that can benefit entrepreneurs, including myself. 

Don't make decisions with your gut feelings.

Even though I did so often and made the right decision most of the time, you should adopt Data-Driven Decision-Making:

  • Base your decisions on data and facts rather than intuition or gut feelings.
  • Collect and analyze relevant data to gain insights into market trends, customer behavior, and financial performance.
  • Do your homework and research. 

When you do so, you will make mistakes that will not be fatal to your business and will not regret making them.

Push baby steps.

Push gradual steps, particularly when founding a new business. Establish well-defined objectives and break down your business goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This approach will streamline your decision-making process and enhance manageability.

Take calculated risks.

Evaluate the potential risks and rewards associated with each decision you make. Do take some level of risk all the time, as it's necessary for your business growth, but it should be calculated and manageable.

Keep your books in order.

No matter how small your business is, regularly and closely monitor your finances. Create budgets, monitor cash flow, and regularly review financial statements to ensure you have a clear picture of your company's financial health.

Constantly study your market.

Put your ego and overwhelming self-confidence aside; you don't, and you will never know everything; no one does. Always do your Market Research, and Continuously monitor your industry and market. Stay updated on emerging trends, competitor activities, and customer preferences. Market research can inform your product/service development and marketing strategies.

Work on your customer experience.

Put yourself in your customer's shoes; prioritize customer satisfaction. Understand your customers' needs and preferences and tailor your products or services. Your satisfied customers will help drive your business to success.

Assume the employee role.

Work hard and become engaged with your employees on an operational level. Your employees are a valuable asset. Engaged and motivated employees can contribute to the success of your business. Foster a positive work environment, provide growth opportunities, and involve them in decision-making.

Welcome change with a positive attitude.

Be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances. Business environments can be unpredictable, so your ability to pivot and adjust your strategies is crucial for your business continuity.

Implement your business strategy.

Design a clear business strategy that outlines your long-term vision and the steps needed to achieve it; implement these steps into your business processes and ensure your team and staff understand your overall company strategy. Regularly review and update your strategy as market conditions change.

Law-abiding business model.

Ensure that your business decisions comply with all applicable laws and regulations, elect a legal counsel, and consult regularly. Ethical decision-making is also essential for maintaining a positive reputation and building trust with customers and stakeholders.

Consult and Collaborat.

Seek advice from mentors, industry experts, or business advisors. Collaborating with others can provide valuable insights and perspectives you may have yet to consider.

Assess your decisions.

After making a decision, evaluate outcomes. What worked, what didn't, and what can be improved? Use this information to make better decisions in the future.

Reinvest in your business.

Invest part of your profits into developing and expanding your business, and make this part of your business strategy for long-term growth and success.

Cash Reserves.

Maintain a financial cushion or emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses or economic downturns. It will help your business in difficult times.

By following these points, you will be making promising decisions, and remember that only some promising decisions will deliver on their promise.

All you need is to initially make a few right decisions to move your business forward.

Read, Think, Focus, Work Smart, and your business will sustain.

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